Club Photos
2013 Independence Day Tournament
Our second tournament went well. Despite a long summer holiday, 16 people came to enjoy coffe, doughnuts, and chess!
2012 HRLCC Holiday Tournament
Our first tournament was a success! We had thirty people compete for "bragging rights and petty glory". Thanks to everyone who participated!
Frank Atwood - Everyday Hero
Frank was awarded the Everyday Hero award by 7NEWS for his work at the Highlands Ranch Library Chess Club. Congratulations, Frank!
From the Past
When I first started the club, about ten years ago, the new faces overwhelmed me so I took pictures to help me remember names.
Most of these chess players have moved on. However, Carl still comes and has a running grudge match with Brian - also, he gives me credit for reviewing
King w/ lone Rook vs. King winning technique, that won a school match for him. My distant memory is kind words of encouragement from Carl's mother, Barbara,
were instrumental in keeping my enthusiasm going. Joel and his father, ???, continue to attend.